Admission is subjected to acceptance and compliance of the college rules and regulation.
All admission are provisional and are subject to the approval of the College Board, and the PUC Board.
Admission will be as per the Government P.U. Board besides college rules.
No student will be admitted in any class in the middle of the course except on official transfer of this parents.
First and second term fees have to be paid along with the admission form failing to which the application form will be rejected.
Students are not allowed to attend any other class except their own.
Students are forbidden to write or mark on the walls of the college or on the desks or on any piece of furniture, or stick bill or posters. Any student who is found guilty is liable to be punished.
No student will be permitted to participate in college activities including sports if his attendance fall below 75% attendance shortage will be considered on the medical ground provided medical certificate, from govt. medical officer is submitted to the principal. (As per the Board Norms).
No student should be communicate any information or write about matters dealing with college administration to any authority or news agency without the written permission of the principal.
No student shall join or continue to be member of any association, the objectives or activities of which are prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of our country or public order or morality or communal harmony.
If the student is found miscreant the principal reserves his action to issue TC or retain his conduct certificate.
Mobiles are strictly prohibited in the college premises.
Ragging of any of the college student or college employee is a cognizable offence punishable under the provision of section 116 of Karnataka education Act1983 and also punishable as per the provision envisaged in Indian penal code. The ragging offence will be reported directly to the police by the principal.
In case of monthly shortage of attendance strict disciplinary action will be taken on such students.